vineri, 18 mai 2018

Idei pentru grădină - Weekend plăcut tuturor!

Vă îmbrățișez și mulțumesc de vizită!

6 comentarii:

  1. Si eu imi doresc o mica arteziana in curte! Chiar am vazut cateva la un magazine de gradinarit1
    Sa te bucuri de weekend si sa ai multa liniste!
    Pupici si imbratisari!

  2. Chiar daca nu am gradina, am o mica fantana!
    Frumoase aranjamentele! Nu stiu ce as alege! Fiecare are
    farmecul propriu!
    Multumesc de privelisti, Elena draga!
    Un weekend placut sa ai!

  3. Dear Elena,
    Soon the time has come and the new EU-DSGVO (Basic Data Protection Regulation) comes into force for all EU countries !!!!. Unfortunately, there are so many different statements in the network that I have no perspective. I feel like many of you here! Therefore, with a heavy heart I will make a longer blog break. At the 05/22/2018
    I will put my blog on private first. I have neither the time nor the inclination to deal with all this until everything is clear. I'll watch the situation and maybe I'll write here again someday. Of course, I like to continue reading and commenting on those of you who continue to run your blogs!
    A big thank you for your loyalty and the many nice comments you have left with me.
    Happy weekend
    ♥hug and ♥kisses Crissi

  4. Lovely ideas for the gardens.
    Have a happy weekeend
    Maria from
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco
